{“Name”:”Patrick Zabel – Voltabox AG”,”Email”:”patrick.zabel@voltabox.ag”,”No Label field_69aac39″:”01763614019″,”Message”:”Good afternoon,rn rnI am the CEO of Voltabox AG – a subsidiary of the Sunlight Group. We produce battery systems for our customers at various locations around the world. Please find attached a short presentation.rn rnWe would like to ask you to consider us for future inquiries. We would be pleased to make you an offer for the future supply of systems based on LFP, NMC or LTO cells.rn rnMit freundlichen Gru00fcu00dfen / Kind Regardsrn rn Patrick Zabel, MBArn rnCEOrn rnVoltabox AGrnTechnologiepark 32rn33100 Paderbornrn rnMobil 0151 700 18 978rnTelefon 05251 69 39 69 100 rn rnE-Mail patrick.zabel@voltabox.agrn rnVoltabox AG; Technologiepark 32, 33100 Paderborn; Registergericht Paderborn HRB 12895; rnVorstand: Patrick Zabel; Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Herbert Hilger”}