{“Name*”:”Renaldo Seekamp”,”Email *”:”seekamp.renaldo@googlemail.com”,”Mobile *”:”5134216844″,”Message *”:”Did you hear about the unusual rice method that liquifies fat cells as you sleep?rnrnClinical studies confirm just 30 secs of this simple rice technique boosts calorie burning and fat-dissolving by over 326%, that’s more calories than 45 mins running!rnrnBefore you go to sleep tonight, try it for yourself…rnrnhttps://tinyurl.com/bdy2nzpzrnrn>>> 1 Unusual Rice Method That Liquifies Fat As You SleeprnrnDon’t waste another second on:rnrnX— Fad diets that are impossible to enjoy…rnX— Gym memberships or fitness apps…rnX— Calorie countingrnrnInstead, just try this one easy fat-dissolving rice method before you sleep tonight and drop lbs of stubborn fat by morning.rnrnCheck now: https://tinyurl.com/bdy2nzpz”}