{“Name*”:”Omar elgazzar”,”Email *”:”omarelgazzar8@gmail.com”,”Mobile *”:”+79692153623″,”Message *”:”Hello, MCV successfully operates in the markets of the Middle East, GCC, Africa, Europe, as well as other regions of the world, Your buses are also known in CIS countries, specifically in Kazakhstan and Ukraine, currently i live in Saint Petersburg, Russia, I have studied the issues related to the Russian bus market quite well and have a good idea of its prospects. From my point of view, the economic situation in Russia makes it very similar to the markets of African countries at the moment. rnThese include the lack of roads with good road surface in most of Russia, the inability of Russian factories to meet the rapidly growing demand for bus equipment, especially intercity and tourist buses of various capacities, and the lack of conditions for maintenance and repair to a large extent.rnAll this creates certain prerequisites for the possible supply of MCV buses to Russia through the port of St. Petersburg. I would like to ask you to consider the possibility of starting systematic work to promote your company’s buses to the Russian market. I am ready, if you are interested, to present a specific plan for the development of sales of your products in Russia. Best regards.”}